REVIEW: Franz Limited Edition Raspberry Filled Donut

A Pacific Northwest regional offering.

You can read my other Franz donut review here.

I recently gave the Franz Raspberry Filled Donut a try, and I have to say, it didn’t quite meet my expectations. From the very first bite, the donut crumbled and fell apart in my hands, which made it messy and difficult to eat. The texture was far too fragile, which took away from the enjoyment. The filling was there, but it was quite scant, leaving me wanting more of that raspberry flavor.

Speaking of the raspberry filling, it had a decent flavor, but it was so faint that I had a hard time detecting it. What made it even odder was the fact that the filling was inside a ring donut. Typically, filled donuts are solid, so having the filling in a ring shape felt a bit strange and didn’t really work for me.

On top of that, the powdered sugar completely dominated the flavor. If you’re a fan of powdered sugar, you might enjoy it, but I found it overpowering. On the bright side, unlike Franz’s lemon-filled donut, the raspberry filling didn’t have that unpleasant dish soap taste, which was a relief.

Overall, while the donut wasn’t terrible, it didn’t really impress me either. It’s still a donut, so it satisfies that sweet craving, but it’s not something I’d rush to get again. I’d rate it a 5/10—good enough for a quick snack, but nothing special.

Rating: Franz Raspberry Donut 5/10

Price: $2.99


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